Saturday, May 1, 2010

Vintage Finds - look at my booty!!

Hi All -

It occurs to me that my title is slightly salacious sounding...well salacious adjacent shall we say.  As no one needs to scope my actual booty...I meant in the classical sense of the word, "booty", as in treasures discovered and acquired.

These are from both my trip to CA as well as my favorite shop here in Omaha, and a lucky navigation error that lead to an estate sale today - when I pulled over to yell at my Garmin.  Yelling at it never works...but I always feel better afterward.

And boy, did I discover some treasures.  And since pictures are worth thousands of words, I invite you to peruse through.  Try not to drool on the screen though.  Unless you have Handi-wipes....erm, handy.  haha.

Redhead signing off,
Leah :-)

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